Oleksandria vs Dnipro-1 Predictions

Oleksandria vs. Dnipro-1 Match football odds, football program, football results, and football predictions can be found in detail on our page.

Soccer Schedule

Home Rival HT FT
Premier League
Oleksandria Dnipro-1 1-0 1-0

Soccer Odds & Tips

Tips Odds Percent
0,5 Over 1.00 %91.95
3,5 Under 1.06 %80.56
DC X2 1.08 %80.35
DC 12 1.07 %75.98
1.5 Over 1.21 %70.12
DC 1X 1.25 %66.51
HT 0,5 Over 1.31 %65.65
2.5 UNDER 1.41 %59.93
GG / BTTS No 1.57 %51.34
Odd 1.66 %50.83
Even 1.60 %50.66
GG / BTTS Yes 1.71 %48.59
HTX 1.76 %45.88
FT2 1.93 %38.92
2.5 OVER 1.93 %38.35
HT 0,5 Under 2.17 %33.68
HT2 2.64 %32.52
1.5 Under 2.48 %31.34
FTX 2.85 %28.33
FT1 2.80 %27.77
HT1 3.56 %21.79
3,5 Over 3.81 %20.20
0,5 Under 5.73 %18.03

Oleksandria vs. Dnipro-1 football tips

12 May 2024 Sunday, Ukraine Premier League to be played Oleksandria — Dnipro-1 when is the football match information.

Oleksandria vs. Dnipro-1 You can examine the highest percentage estimates we have created with the computerized football analysis system we have made to the match.

Our Oleksandria vs Dnipro-1 prediction page offers best tips.

Our Oleksandria vs. Dnipro-1 You can find the match results on our page, the result of the match is instantly reflected on our page.

The most accurate football predictions for Oleksandria vs. Dnipro-1 match are prepared according to the odds given to the match.