H2H Prediction: Your Ultimate Guide to Accurate Match Forecasts

You can follow the detailed team comparison of the matches for the football matches of the day on our page.

Legion II Percent
Home Matches
FT 0,5 Under 0%
FT 0,5 Over 0%
1.5 Under 0%
1.5 Over 0%
2.5 Under 0%
2.5 Over 0%
3,5 Under 0%
3,5 Over 0%
FT 4,5 Under 0%
FT 4,5 Over 0%
FT 5,5 Over 0%
Double chance 1/2 0%
Double chance 1/X 0%
Double chance X/2 0%
Half Time/Full Time 1/1 0%
Half Time/Full Time 1/2 0%
Half Time/Full Time 1/X 0%
Half Time/Full Time 2/1 0%
Half Time/Full Time 2/2 0%
Half Time/Full Time 2/X 0%
Half Time/Full Time X/1 0%
Half Time/Full Time X/2 0%
Half Time/Full Time X/X 0%
Half Time 1 0%
Half Time 2 0%
Half Time X 0%
HT Under 0,5 0%
HT Over 0,5 0%
HT Under 1,5 0%
HT Over 1,5 0%
HT Under 2,5 0%
HT Over 2,5 0%
GG / BTTS Yes 0%
GG / BTTS No 0%
Any other score 0%
Correct Score 1-0 0%
Correct Score 2-0 0%
Correct Score 2-1 0%
Correct Score 3-0 0%
Correct Score 3-1 0%
Correct Score 3-2 0%
Correct Score 4-0 0%
Correct Score 4-1 0%
Correct Score 4-2 0%
Correct Score 5-0 0%
Correct Score 5-1 0%
Correct Score 6-0 0%
Correct Score 0-1 0%
Correct Score 0-2 0%
Correct Score 0-3 0%
Correct Score 0-4 0%
Correct Score 0-5 0%
Correct Score 0-6 0%
Correct Score 1-2 0%
Correct Score 1-3 0%
Correct Score 1-4 0%
Correct Score 1-5 0%
Correct Score 2-3 0%
Correct Score 2-4 0%
Correct Score 0-0 0%
Correct Score 1-1 0%
Correct Score 2-2 0%
Correct Score 3-3 0%
Full Time 1 0%
Full Time 2 0%
Full Time X 0%
FT Even 0%
FT Odd 0%
Total Goals 0-1 0%
Total Goals 2-3 0%
Total Goals 4-5 0%
Total Goals 6+ 0%
Southern SA Percent
Away Matches
FT 4,5 Under 85.71%
HT Over 0,5 85.71%
1.5 Over 71.43%
2.5 Over 71.43%
Double chance 1/X 71.43%
Half Time/Full Time 1/1 71.43%
Half Time 1 71.43%
GG / BTTS No 71.43%
Full Time 1 71.43%
FT Odd 71.43%
3,5 Under 57.14%
HT Under 1,5 57.14%
HT Under 2,5 57.14%
3,5 Over 42.86%
HT Over 1,5 42.86%
HT Over 2,5 42.86%
Total Goals 4-5 42.86%
1.5 Under 28.57%
2.5 Under 28.57%
Double chance X/2 28.57%
GG / BTTS Yes 28.57%
Full Time 2 28.57%
FT Even 28.57%
Total Goals 0-1 28.57%
Total Goals 2-3 28.57%
FT 4,5 Over 14.29%
Half Time/Full Time 2/2 14.29%
Half Time/Full Time X/2 14.29%
Half Time 2 14.29%
Half Time X 14.29%
HT Under 0,5 14.29%
Correct Score 1-0 14.29%
Correct Score 2-1 14.29%
Correct Score 3-0 14.29%
Correct Score 3-2 14.29%
Correct Score 4-0 14.29%
Correct Score 0-1 14.29%
Correct Score 0-4 14.29%
FT 0,5 Under 0%
FT 5,5 Over 0%
Half Time/Full Time 1/2 0%
Half Time/Full Time 1/X 0%
Half Time/Full Time 2/1 0%
Half Time/Full Time 2/X 0%
Half Time/Full Time X/1 0%
Half Time/Full Time X/X 0%
Any other score 0%
Correct Score 2-0 0%
Correct Score 3-1 0%
Correct Score 4-1 0%
Correct Score 4-2 0%
Correct Score 5-0 0%
Correct Score 5-1 0%
Correct Score 6-0 0%
Correct Score 0-2 0%
Correct Score 0-3 0%
Correct Score 0-5 0%
Correct Score 0-6 0%
Correct Score 1-2 0%
Correct Score 1-3 0%
Correct Score 1-4 0%
Correct Score 1-5 0%
Correct Score 2-3 0%
Correct Score 2-4 0%
Correct Score 0-0 0%
Correct Score 1-1 0%
Correct Score 2-2 0%
Correct Score 3-3 0%
Full Time X 0%
Total Goals 6+ 0%
Date Home Rival HT FT
Date Home Rival HT FT
09/07/2023 East Atlanta Southern SA 2-1 3-2
07/06/2023 Asheville City Southern SA 2-1 2-1
04/06/2023 SC United Bantams Southern SA 1-0 1-0
28/05/2023 Red Wolves Southern SA 0-1 0-1
18/05/2023 N. Alabama Southern SA 0-0 0-4
03/07/2022 Peachtree City MOBA Southern SA 1-0 3-0
30/06/2022 Tormenta II Southern SA 3-0 4-0

Soccer Team Comparison 1 June 2024 Saturday

Our site offers football analysis, live scores as well as predictions and statistics leagues and teams. In this section, we summarize team comparisons of football matches from all over the world.

The two teams from our team comparison page are analyzed in detail and given results. Home team match analysis is again analyzed only according to the matches played at home.

The analysis of the opposing team is again analyzed only in the away matches they play. Team comparison of football matches is continuously updated data.

Included team comparisons, under/over, first-half results, according to the result of the match, total goals, goals do not have, the first half allows in-depth statistics of the result of the game.

It covers all major leagues, including the first two leagues in Germany, France, Spain, and Italy.

It also includes significant leagues in Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Russia, Denmark, Austria, Turkey, Greece, and the United States. Football statistics data has been collected, analyzed, and visualized to help you search for all the numbers.

On our Football Fixtures page, you can find the time and odds of the matches to be played.

h2h prediction 1 June 2024 Saturday

Welcome to your ultimate guide to h2h prediction. Whether you're a seasoned analyst or a newbie looking to enhance your match forecasting skills, this guide has got you covered. As you may already know, h2h prediction is a crucial aspect of soccer and football forecasting, and getting it right can make a huge difference in the outcome of your games.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll take you through the ins and outs of h2h prediction, from understanding its relevance to exploring expert strategies and avoiding common pitfalls. Our aim is to equip you with the tools and knowledge needed to make accurate and reliable predictions, so let's get started!

 head to head prediction: Your Ultimate Guide to Accurate Match Forecasts

If you're looking for tips on how to make accurate predictions when gaming on soccer matches, you've come to the right place. In this guide, we'll share some expert strategies on how to correctly forecast match results, avoid common pitfalls, and make winning games.

Sports gaming can be a great way to make money, but it's also important to remember that it's a game. You can use all the research and knowledge in the world, but there's always going to be an element of luck involved. That's why it's so important to only game with money you can afford to lose, and to never chase your losses.

With that said, let's take a look at some of the factors you need to consider when making soccer match predictions.

h2h football

It is often said that football is a game of inches. The margins between winning and losing are often very fine, and even the best teams can have an off day. This makes predicting the outcomes of matches all the more difficult, but also all the more exciting. A good prediction can make all the difference, and with a little know-how, you too can be a H2H prediction expert!

In this guide, we will explore some of the key factors that go into making accurate predictions, as well as debunking some of the myths that surround the art of match forecasting. By the end of this guide, you should have a good understanding of how to go about making your own predictions, as well as some of the things to look out for.

So, without further ado, let's get started!

Key Takeaways

  • H2H prediction is an essential aspect of accurate match forecasting in soccer and football.
  • Understanding the concept and key factors of h2h predictions can enhance your prediction skills.
  • Expert strategies and data analysis can help improve the accuracy and reliability of your h2h predictions.
  • Avoiding common pitfalls and exploring h2h predictions in other sports can broaden your perspective on match forecasting.

Understanding H2H Predictions

Head to head (h2h) predictions involve analyzing the previous encounters between two teams to forecast the outcome of their upcoming match. In soccer and football, h2h predictions are essential in determining which team has a higher probability of winning.

When analyzing h2h data, it is important to consider several factors, including the location of the match, the performance of individual players, and the team's form and motivation. The outcome of previous matches can also serve as a valuable indicator of the likely result of the upcoming game.

While h2h predictions may not always guarantee accurate results, analyzing past encounters gives gamers an edge in making informed decisions. Many experts believe that head to head analysis is one of the most reliable methods for predicting match outcomes in soccer and football.

How to Analyze H2H Data

The first step in analyzing h2h data is to collect the necessary information. This includes the date and location of previous matches, the final scores, and the players who were involved in each game. Once you have gathered this data, you can begin to identify patterns and trends that may influence future results.

One important factor to consider is home advantage. Teams often perform better when playing on their home field, and this can be reflected in their head to head record. Additionally, analyzing player injuries and suspensions can give insight into a team's overall form and potential performance.

Overall, analyzing h2h data requires a combination of attention to detail, statistical analysis, and experience. By carefully analyzing the past performances of teams and players, you can make informed predictions with a higher degree of accuracy.

The Key Factors in H2H Predictions

Head to head analysis is a critical aspect of accurate match forecasting. When making h2h predictions, it is crucial to consider several key factors that can influence the outcome of a match. In this section, we will explore the most important elements to keep in mind when analyzing head to head data.

Team form

One of the key factors to consider when making h2h predictions is the current form of the team. Teams can experience changes in form over time, impacted by factors such as injuries, transfers, and morale. Analyzing recent results and performance can provide valuable insights into a team's current form and its potential performance in future matches.

Player injuries

Injuries can significantly impact a team's performance, and it's essential to consider this factor when making h2h predictions. Teams with injured key players may struggle to compete effectively, leading to unexpected outcomes in matches. Considering injury reports and player availability can increase the accuracy of h2h forecasts.

Home advantage

Home advantage can play a significant role in the outcome of soccer and football matches. Teams playing in their home stadium may experience a boost in confidence and performance, while competing teams may struggle to adapt to the unfamiliar setting. Analyzing the impact of home advantage on past head to head encounters can provide valuable insights into future outcomes.

Historical trends

Examining historical trends in head to head encounters can offer valuable insights into future outcomes. Factors such as the number of goals scored in past matches, patterns in team performance, and the frequency of draws can all be useful indicators when making h2h predictions. Analyzing these trends can help identify underlying patterns and increase forecast accuracy.

Expert Strategies for H2H Predictions

Now that you have a solid understanding of h2h predictions and the key factors to consider, it's time to explore expert strategies and techniques to enhance your prediction skills.

1. Analyze Head to Head Data Effectively

One of the most crucial steps in making accurate h2h predictions is analyzing head to head data effectively. Look beyond the scoreline and consider factors such as team formations, tactics, and player performance.

Expert Tip: Use a spreadsheet to organize h2h data for quick and easy analysis. Create columns for key statistics such as goals scored, shots on goal, possession percentage, and scoring patterns. Use this data to draw comparisons between the two teams and identify patterns.

2. Identify Trends Across Different Competitions

Another effective strategy is to identify trends across different competitions. Consider how teams perform in domestic leagues versus international competitions, as well as their form in different stages of the season.

Expert Tip: Research historical trends and analyze patterns to identify teams that perform well in specific competitions or stages of the season. Use this information to make informed predictions and stay ahead of the game.

3. Consider Key Player Matchups

Key player matchups can have a significant impact on the outcome of a match. Consider the individual performances of key players, their recent form, and how they match up against their opponents.

Expert Tip: Use player comparison tools to analyze and compare statistics for key players. Pay attention to individual strengths and weaknesses, as well as how they match up against their opponents.

4. Stay Up to Date with Team News and Injuries

Team news and injuries can have a significant impact on the outcome of a match. Stay up to date with the latest team news, including injuries, suspensions, and lineup changes.

Expert Tip: Monitor social media accounts and news outlets for the latest team news. Use injury tracking tools to stay up to date with player injuries and their expected return date. Consider how these factors could impact the outcome of the match.

5. Maintain a Neutral Perspective

One of the biggest pitfalls in h2h predictions is bias towards a particular team or player. Maintain a neutral perspective and avoid letting personal opinions and emotions impact your predictions.

Expert Tip: Consider the data objectively and avoid over-reliance on past results. Look at the current form of the teams and consider other factors such as home advantage and referee decisions.

By incorporating these expert strategies into your h2h prediction process, you can enhance your accuracy and reliability, giving you the edge in match forecasting.

Utilizing Data Analysis in H2H Predictions

When it comes to making accurate h2h predictions, data analysis is a crucial tool. By collecting and analyzing relevant statistics, you can gain valuable insights into a team's performance and make more informed forecasts.

One key area to consider is team form. Analyzing a team's recent performance can give you an idea of their current level of play and how they may perform in their next match. Additionally, tracking goal averages and scoring patterns can help identify potential goal-scoring opportunities and inform your prediction.

Statistic Description
Team form Recent performance of the team
Goal averages Average number of goals scored and conceded by a team in a match
Scoring patterns The frequency and timing of a team's goals

Another factor to consider is home advantage. Teams tend to perform better when they are playing in their home stadium, so it's important to factor in this influence when making your prediction. Finally, historical trends can also provide valuable insights into a team's performance and inform your h2h prediction.

By utilizing data analysis effectively, you can gain a competitive edge in making accurate h2h predictions. Whether you are using software tools or manually collecting and analyzing data, these insights can help you make better-informed forecasts.

The Evolution of H2H Predictions

H2H predictions have come a long way since the early days of soccer and football analytics. Technological advancements and innovative statistical modeling have transformed the accuracy and reliability of match forecasts. Today, H2H predictions encompass a range of complex data analysis techniques, offering unprecedented insights into team performance and match outcomes.

The Early Days of H2H Predictions

In the early days of soccer and football analytics, H2H predictions were largely based on anecdotal evidence and historical records. Analysts would manually comb through match results and team statistics, looking for patterns and trends that could indicate future performance. This process was time-consuming and often unreliable, leading to inconsistent match forecasts.

“H2H predictions have evolved significantly over the years, thanks to technological advancements and innovative statistical modeling techniques.”

The Impact of Technological Advancements

The advent of technology has revolutionized H2H predictions, making them faster, more accurate, and more reliable. Advanced algorithms and machine learning models can now process vast amounts of data, analyzing team performance, player statistics, and historical trends. This data-driven approach has enabled analysts to make more accurate match forecasts, offering sports fans unparalleled insights into the world of soccer and football.

The Future of H2H Predictions

The future of H2H predictions is bright, with emerging trends and techniques set to transform match forecasting even further. Artificial intelligence and predictive analytics are likely to play an increasingly important role in H2H predictions, enabling analysts to make more accurate and data-driven forecasts. As technology continues to evolve, it’s clear that H2H predictions will remain an essential component of sports analysis, providing fans with valuable insights and a deeper understanding of the game.

Common Pitfalls in H2H Predictions

While head to head predictions can be a powerful tool, it's important to be aware of the common pitfalls that can lead to inaccurate forecasts. Here are some factors to consider:

Pitfall Description
Bias Don't let personal preferences cloud your judgment. Make sure you are analyzing the data objectively and without any preconceived notions about the teams.
Overreliance on past results While past results can be a useful indicator, they are not always an accurate predictor of future outcomes. Make sure you are taking into account current form, injuries, and other factors that can impact the match.
Ignoring current form Teams can experience changes in form during a season, so it's important to take into account their recent performances when making predictions.

By avoiding these common pitfalls, you can improve the accuracy of your head to head predictions and increase your chances of making successful match forecasts.

Exploring Other Sports in H2H Predictions

While soccer and football are popular sports for h2h predictions, this analysis can also be applied to other sports. In basketball, for example, head to head statistics can reveal how teams perform against each other, their strengths and weaknesses, and how they can exploit the opposition's vulnerabilities. H2h prediction is also applicable in tennis, especially when examining the match history of players. This analysis can help predict the outcome of future matches, factors that could affect the players' performance, and their ability to dominate on different court surfaces.

Cricket is another sport where h2h predictions are relevant. Teams can be analyzed based on their performances against specific opponents, their strengths and weaknesses, and how they adapt to varying conditions.

However, it's important to keep in mind that h2h predictions in different sports can have their unique strategies and factors to consider. While some similarities may exist, it's crucial to tailor the analysis to each sport's specific requirements.


Head to head predictions have become a crucial tool for accurate match forecasting in sports like soccer, football, basketball, tennis, and cricket. In this guide, we have explored the importance of h2h predictions, the key factors that impact forecasts, and expert strategies for making informed predictions.

By understanding the significance of historical data, analyzing relevant statistics, and avoiding common pitfalls, readers can improve their prediction skills and stay ahead in the game. As technology and statistical modeling continue to advance, we can expect h2h predictions to become even more accurate and reliable in the future.

We hope this guide has provided you with valuable insights and practical tips to enhance your h2h prediction skills. Apply these strategies with confidence and empower yourself to make winning predictions in your favorite sports!


Q: What is h2h prediction?

A: H2h prediction, also known as head to head prediction, is a method used in soccer and football forecasting to analyze the historical encounters between teams. By studying the outcomes of previous matches, experts can make predictions about the future performance and results of teams.

Q: Why is h2h prediction important in match forecasting?

A: H2h prediction is crucial in match forecasting because it provides valuable insights into the performance and dynamics of teams. By considering past results and head to head statistics, analysts can make more accurate predictions, taking into account factors such as team form, player injuries, and historical trends.

Q: How can h2h predictions enhance my soccer or football forecasts?

A: H2h predictions can enhance your soccer or football forecasts by providing a solid foundation for analysis. By studying previous encounters between teams, you can identify patterns, understand team dynamics, and assess the potential outcomes of future matches. This can significantly improve the accuracy of your predictions.

Q: Is h2h prediction only relevant in soccer and football?

A: No, h2h prediction is not limited to soccer and football. While it is commonly used in these sports, the concept of analyzing past encounters between teams can be applied to other sports as well. H2h predictions can be relevant in sports like basketball, tennis, and cricket, helping to forecast match results based on previous performance.

Q: Are there any common mistakes to avoid when making h2h predictions?

A: Yes, there are common pitfalls to avoid in h2h predictions. It is important to be aware of biases, avoid overreliance on past results, and consider the current form of teams. Ignoring key factors such as team injuries or changes in tactics can also lead to inaccurate forecasts. By being mindful of these mistakes, you can make more informed and reliable predictions.

Explore the fascinating world of team dynamics with our exclusive h2h prediction feature. Our in-depth analysis, based on head-to-head statistics, provides valuable insights into team performance and helps you anticipate match outcomes. Elevate your game with our comprehensive team comparison and h2h predictions.

Legion II - Southern SA Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Utah United - Ogden City Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Mexico - Bolivia Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Costa Rica - Uruguay Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Lambton Jaffas FC - Edgeworth Eagles Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Clarence Zebras - South Hobart Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Avondale FC - Melbourne Knights Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) O'Connor Knights - Monaro Panthers Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Sanfrecce Hiroshima - Júbilo Iwata Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Fujieda MYFC - Ventforet Kofu Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Cooma Tigers - Tuggeranong United Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Matsumoto Yamaga - FC Imabari Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Manningham United Blues - Green Gully Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Busan Kyotong - Yeoju Sejong Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Oita Trinita - Tokushima Vortis Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Omiya Ardija - Parceiro Nagano Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Western Sydney W. II - Hills Brumbies Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Moreland City - Port Melbourne Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Modbury Jets - Adelaide United FC Youth Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Adelaide Raiders - NE MetroStars Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Campbelltown City - Croydon Kings Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Kashima Antlers - F. Marinos Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Machida Zelvia - Albirex Niigata Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Lake Macquarie City FC - Charlestown Azzurri Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Gimhae City - Siheung Citizen Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Shonan Bellmare - Gamba Osaka Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Riverside Ol - Kingborough Lions Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Launceston City - Glenorchy Knights Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Dandenong City - St. Albans Saints Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Gold Coast Knights - Gold Coast United Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Bayswater City - Floreat Athena Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Olympic Kingsway - Balcatta Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Urawa Reds - Vissel Kobe Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Inglewood United - Fremantle City Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Perth Glory II - Western Knights Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Longding - Guangxi Baoyun Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Armadale - Stirling Lions Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Valentine Phoenix - Adamstown Rosebuds Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Central Coast II - APIA Leichhardt Tigers Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Gimpo Citizen - Jeonnam Dragons Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) NWS Spirit FC - Sutherland Sharks Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Adelaide City - Para Hills Knights Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Maitland FC - New Lambton Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Peninsula Power - Wolves FC Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Wuxi Wugou - Heilongjiang Lava Spring Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) White City Woodville - Adelaide Olympic Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Ulsan - Jeonbuk Motors Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Eastern Football Team - Sham Shui Po Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Pocheon - Yangpyeong Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Altona Magic - Oakleigh Cannons Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Yokohama - Ehime Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) JEF United - Fagiano Okayama Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Rochedale Rovers - Lions FC Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Hume City - South Melbourne Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Marconi Stallions - Rockdale City Suns Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) St George City FA - Sydney Olympic Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Adelaide Comets - South Adelaide Panthers Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Ansan Greeners - Seongnam Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Seoul E-Land - Gyeongnam Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Suwon City - Incheon United Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Sangju Sangmu - Pohang Steelers Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Gangneung City - Daegu II Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Kyoto Sanga - Cerezo Osaka Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Perth SC - Perth RedStar Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Bergnäsets - Ytterhogdal Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Vard - Eik Tønsberg Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Viggbyholms - Falu BS Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Högaborg - Hässleholms IF Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Lyseng - Holstebro Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Torslanda - Tvååker Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Ishøj - Næsby Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Liaoning Shenyang - Red Lions Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Örebro Syrianska - Karlberg Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Degerfors - Utsikten Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Suzhou Dongwu - Yukun Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Flora - Paide Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Skellefteå - IFK Luleå Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) SfB-Oure - Vanløse Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) HIK - Skive Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Simrishamn - Balkan Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Kumla - Stenungsund Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Astrio - Laholms FK Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Lysekloster - Hødd Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Silkeborg KFUM - Vejgaard B Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Brabrand - Fremad Amager Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Frem - VSK Århus Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Akron - FK Ural Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Poland U21 - North Macedonia U21 Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Samtredia - Dinamo Batumi Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Genemuiden - TEC Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Excelsior Maassluis - USV Hercules Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) SteDoCo - Harkemase Boys Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Naftan - Isloch Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Östersunds FK - Sandvikens IF Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Strømmen - Strindheim Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) IFK Göteborg - Elfsborg Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Næstved - FC Helsingør Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Horsens - HB Koge Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Brommapojkarna - Malmö FF Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) B 93 - Hillerød Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Brage - Östers Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Arendal - Notodden Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Mamelodi Sundowns - Orlando Pirates Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Kozakken Boys - Blauw Geel '38 Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Oskarshamns AIK - Eskilsminne Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Lund - Jönköpings Södra Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Minija - Hegelmann Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Levanger - Start Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Älgarna - Tegs Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Åsane - Sandnes Ulf Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Lidköping - Vänersborgs IF Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Egersunds - Raufoss Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Ranheim - Vålerenga Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Friska Viljor - Stockholm Internazionale Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Rosengard - Norrby Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Ariana - Olympic FC Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Sūduva - Banga Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Kongsvinger - Bryne FC Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Sogndal - Stabæk Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Moss - Aalesund Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Ängelholm - Onsala Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) IFK Trelleborg - Österlen Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Kristianstad - Lödde Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Daugava Daugavpils II - Valmiera Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Tobol - Kaisar Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Pharco - El Wasty Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Khorfakkan - Kalba Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) FC Baniyas - Ajman Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Al Bataeh - Emirates Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) EM Mahdia - Rejiche Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Zarzis - CO Médenine Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Marsa - Bizertin Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Metlaoui - EGS Gafsa Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Kalisz - Stal Stalowa Wola Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Tataouine - AS Slimane Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Doma United - Lobi Stars FC Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Remo Stars - Kano Pillars Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Arsenal-Tula - Nizhny Novgorod Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) FC Arsenal Dzerzhinsk - Dinamo Minsk Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Bijelo Brdo - Dugopolje Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Dubrava Zagreb - Solin Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Halmstad - GAIS Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Orijent 1919 - Jarun Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Cibalia - Vukovar Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) IK Sirius - Norrköping Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Croatia Zmijavci - Radnik Sesvete Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Persepolis - Rafsanjan Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Sanat Naft - Tractor Sazi Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Malavan - Aluminium Arak Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Saburtalo - Samgurali Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Sepahan - Caspian Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Gol Gohar Sirjan - Zob Ahan Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Nassaji Mazandaran - Foolad Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Esteghlal Khuzestan - Havadar Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) B68 - EB / Streymur Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Skála - IF Fuglafjordur Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Haukar - Völsungur Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) KA Akureyri - ÍA Akranes Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Panevėžys - FA Šiauliai Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Hamarkameratene - Brann Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) ÍBV Vestmannaeyjar - Fjölnir Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Dalvík / Reynir - Grótta Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Ordabasy - Zhetysu Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Levadia - Kuressaare Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Gute - IFK Österåker Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Dinamo Tiflis - Gagra Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Barakaldo - Orihuela Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Celta de Vigo II - Málaga FC Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Neman Grodno - Dinamo Brest Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Landskrona - Trelleborg FF Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Coca-Cola - Asyut Petrol Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) ENPPI - Nogoom Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Sharjah - Al Wahda FC Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Senegal (K) - South Africa W Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Torpedo - Telavi Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Aucas - Imbabura Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Canada W - Mexico Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) FUS Rabat - Mouloudia Oujda Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Jeunesse Sportive Soualem - RSB Berkane Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Olympic Safi - UTS Rabat Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Chabab Mohammédia - Maghreb Fès Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Hassania Agadir - Youssoufia Berrechid Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) CR Khemis Zemamra - Ittihad Tanger Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Nueva Chicago - Temperley Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Chacarita Juniors - Club Atlético Güemes Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Sportivo Trinidense - Club Guarani Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Tacuary - Club Nacional Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) BVB Borussia Dortmund - Real Madrid Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) gremio - Red Bull Bragantino Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Vitoria FC - Atlético GO FC Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Forge - York9 Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Brusque - Novorizontino Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Brazil W - Jamaica W Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Cumbayá - Delfin Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Montevideo Wanderers - Rampla Juniors Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Racing Club AC - Deportivo Riestra Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) USA W - South Korea W Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) 2 de Mayo - Olimpia Asuncion Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Unión Española - Deportes Iquique Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Cuiaba - SC Internacional Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Fluminense FC - Esporte Clube Juventude Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Talleres Remedios - Deportivo Maipú Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Pittsburgh Riverhounds - Indy Eleven Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Miami FC - Louisville City Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Pacific FC - Cavalry Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Hartford Athletic - Rhode Island Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Loudoun United - Tulsa Roughnecks Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Emelec - Libertad Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Vélez Sarsfield - Atlético Tucumán Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Belgrano - Argentinos Juniors Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) New York RB - Orlando City Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Philadelphia Union - Montreal Impact Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Inter Miami - St. Louis Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) DC United - Toronto Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Audax Italiano - Palestino Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) SC Corinthians - Botafogo Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Almİrante Brown - Deportivo Madryn Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Nashville SC - New England Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Chicago Fire - LA Galaxy Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Minnesota Stars - Sporting KC Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) El Paso Locomotive - Birmingham Legion Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Colorado Springs - Oakland Roots Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) San Antonio - Memphis 901 Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Pachuca - Columbus Crew Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Real Salt Lake - Austin Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Los Angeles Blues - Detroit City Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Sacramento Republic - Tampa Bay Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Portland Timbers - Houston Dynamo Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Whitecaps - Colorado Rapids Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Las Vegas Lights - Phoenix Rising Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Los Angeles - FC Dallas Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Iwaki - Vegalta Sendai Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Tokyo Verdy - Consadole Sapporo Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Newcastle Olympic - Weston Workers Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Yoogali FC - Canberra Olympic Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) YSCC - Tegevajaro Miyazaki Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Kagoshima United - Blaublitz Akita Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Thespa Kusatsu - Montedio Yamagata Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Gungahlin United - Canberra Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) South Coast Wolves - Sydney United Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Sagamihara - Grulla Marioka Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Azul Claro Numazu - Kataller Toyama Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Blacktown City Demons - St. George Saints Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Mito Hollyhock - V-Varen Nagasaki Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Giravanz Kitakyushu - Gainare Tottori Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Vanraure Hachinohe - Zweigen Kanazawa Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Renofa Yamaguchi - Shimizu S-Pulse Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) SC Wanderers - Brisbane City Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Fukushima United FC - Kamatamare Sanuki Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Brisbane Olympic - Redlands United Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Osaka - Nara Club Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Brisbane Roar II - Moreton C Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Daejeon Citizen - Daegu Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Busan I'Park - Suwon Bluewings Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Jeju United - Gangwon Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Anyang - Cheongju Jikji Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Kawasaki Frontale - Nagoya Grampus Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Tochigi - Roasso Kumamoto Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Cheonan City - Chungnam Asan Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Seoul - Gwangju Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Gifu - Ryūkyū Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Kashiwa Reysol - Avispa Fukuoka Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Örebro - Oddevold Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Avarta - Holbaek Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Vänersborgs FK - Motala Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Thisted - FA 2000 Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Genk - Gent Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Kalmar - Västerås SK Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Djurgårdens IF Fotboll - Hammarby Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Säffle SK - Forward Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Servette - FC Lugano Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Molde - Viking Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) FS Jelgava - Liepāja Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) GIF Sundsvall - Helsingborg Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Täby - AFC Eskilstuna Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Fredericia - Hobro Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Gnistan - Lahti Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) SønderjyskE - Kolding IF Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Aalborg BK - Vendsyssel Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) TransINVEST - Zalgiris V Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) JIPPO - SalPa Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Örgryte - Gefle Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) CA River Plate (Montevideo) - Racing Club de Montevideo Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Livyi Bereh - Obolon-Brovar Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Vasalund - United IK Nordic Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Trollhättan - Torns Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Vestri - Stjarnan Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) FC Andorra - Racing Ferrol Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Huesca - Levante Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) AD Alcorcon - Burgos Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Värnamo - Mjällby Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Hacken - AIK Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Olympique Béja - US Ben Guerdane Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Jaro - TPS Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Varberg - Skövde AIK Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Tromsø - Lillestrøm Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) MP - KTP Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) JäPS - SJK II Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Tukums 2000 - Auda Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) KFUM Oslo - Sandefjord Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Kristiansund - Sarpsborg 08 Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Strømsgodset - Odds Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Haugesund - Bodø / Glimt Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Rīgas Futbola skola - Grobiņa Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Metz - Saint-Etienne Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Baltika - Zenit Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) SS Reyes - Zamora Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Ponferradina - Cordoba Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Džiugas Telšiai - Zalgiris Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Klubi-04 - KPV Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Keski-Uusimaa - VIFK Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) EIF - VPS Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Zrinski Jurjevac - Sibenik Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) AL Jazira (UAE) - Al Ain Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Al-Nasr (Dubai) - Al Wasl Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Al-Ahli Dubai - Hatta Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Atalanta - Fiorentina Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Pontevedra - Real Betis II Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) C.D. Feirense - Lusitania FC Lourosa Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) UD Logrones - Marbella Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) SBV Excelsior - NAC Breda Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Arka Gdynia - Motor Lublin Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) CD Leganes - Elche CF Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Espanyol - F.C. Cartagena Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Eibar - Real Oviedo Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Eldense - Sporting Gijon Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) CD Everton - Univ. Chile Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) CD Mirandés - Amorebieta Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Villarreal II - Real Racing Santander Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Tenerife - Real Valladolid Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Riga FC - Metta / LU Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Víkingur Reykjavík - Fylkir Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Yeclano - Numancia Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Rosenborg - Fredrikstad Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Ibiza - Barcelona II Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) CA Platense - Boca Juniors Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Atlético Ottawa - HFX Wanderers Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Guillermo Brown - Tristán Suárez Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Estudiantes de Caseros - Gimnasia Jujuy Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Fenix - CA Penarol Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Gimnasia Mendoza - Brown de Adrouge Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Gimnasia y Tiro - Club Almagro Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Deportivo Morón - San Miguel Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Venezia - Cremonese Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) AVS - Portimonense Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Ponte Preta - Clube de Regatas Brasil (CRB) Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Mitre Santiago d. Estero - C.A. Defensores de Belgrano Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Cobresal - Unión La Calera Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) San Martín San Juan - Patronato Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Chapecoense - Vila Nova FC Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Real Zaragoza - Albacete Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Aldosivi - Chaco For Ever Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Clube Atlético Mineiro - Bahia BA Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Criciuma E.C. - Palmeiras Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) CR Vasco da Gama - Flamengo Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Benevento - Carrarese Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Vicenza Virtus - Avellino Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) HK Kópavogs - Breidablik Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Ceuta - Gimnàstic Tarragona Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Universidad Católica - Macará Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Estudiantes Río Cuarto - San Telmo Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) San Martín Tucumán - Alvarado Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Cerro Porteno - Luqueno Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Club Libertad - General Caballero JLM Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Defensor Sporting - Miramar Misiones Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Atlanta United - Charlotte Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Central Córdoba Santiago - Talleres de Córdoba Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) CA Rosario Central - Lanus Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Valour - Vancouver FC Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Quilmes - Ferro Carril Oeste Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Ituano - avai Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) CSD Colo-Colo - Copiapo Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Fortaleza FC - Athletico Paranaense Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Sao Paulo - Cruzeiro Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Houston FC - Houston Sur Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Millonarios - Junior Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Atlético Bucaramanga - Deportivo Pereira Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Mushuc Runa - Barcelona SC Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Monterey Bay - New Mexico United Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Ind. del Valle - Orense Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Club Deportivo Cuenca - LDU Quito Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Instituto - Gimnasia La P. Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) CA River Plate - Tigre Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Coquimbo Unido - Univ. Catolica Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Deportes Tolima - Santa Fe Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Liverpool M. - Cerro Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Gibraltar - Scotland Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Sligo Rovers - Drogheda United Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Galway - Shamrock Rovers Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) St Patrick's - Dundalk Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Bohemians - Shelbourne Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Bray Wanderers - Cobh Ramblers Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Croatia - North Macedonia Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Cork City - UCD Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Wexford Youths - Longford Town Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Derry City - Waterford United Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Assyriska - Stocksund Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Finn Harps - Athlone Town Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Albania - Liechtenstein Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Danubio - Deportivo Maldonado Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Germany - Ukraine Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) England - Bosnia & Herzegovina Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) KR Reykjavík - Valur Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Atletico Atlanta - Defensores Unidos Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Club Sol de América - Sportivo Ameliano Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) San Lorenzo - Sarmiento Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Santos FC - Botafogo SP Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Operário PR - Amazonas Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Agropecuario - All Boys Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Defensa y Justicia - Independiente Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Estudiantes de La Plata - Godoy Cruz Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Germany - Scotland Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Hungary - Switzerland Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Spain - Croatia Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Italy - Albania Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Poland - Netherlands Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Slovenia - Denmark Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Serbia - England Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Romania - Ukraine Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Belgium - Slovakia Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Austria - France Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Turkey - Georgia Compare Soccer Teams (H2H) Portugal - Czech Republic Compare Soccer Teams (H2H)

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